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Management and Personal Leadership

A good manager is willing to invest a bit of themselves and their personality into the task of leadership. Personal Leadership is the foundation for creating strong relationships with employees that can inspire and motivate them in their work.
AMU-pris: 624 kr. Pris: 1.869,85 kr.

For you who

  • are an experienced or new manager.
  • seeks new leadership tools and input for your role as a manager

You will become better at

  • being a clear and credible manager for your employees.
  • focusing on communication with your employees to create job-satisfaction and motivation.


The relationship with your employees is crucial for you as a manager because you cannot achieve good results if you cannot collaborate with your employees. Therefore, the relationship and the personal leadership you establish with your employees are extremely important. As a manager, you need to invest a bit of yourself in your employees and create a work environment that can help motivate and inspire them.

In the course ‘Management and Personal Leadership,’ you will examine your role in relation to teamwork in your team – what can you do to promote collaboration, create motivation, and bring out the best in your employees? You will also gain insights into how you can be a good manager for your company and for your fellow managers.


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