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Communication as a Management Tool

Communication is an essential part of the manager’s toolkit. With good and clear communication, a manager can go a long way with their employees. In the course, you will learn about verbal and non-verbal elements that can enhance communication with your employees.
AMU-pris: 416 kr. Pris: 1.329,90 kr.

For you who

  • are an experienced or new manager.
  • are seeking tools that can help ensure good communication within the team.

You will become better at

  • adapting your communication style to employees, fellow leaders, and your own manager.
  • using verbal and non-verbal elements when communicating.


As a manager, it is important to communicate clearly and effectively to avoid misunderstandings. In the course ‘Communication as a Management Tool,’ you will learn to communicate with a sense of perspective, direction, and a clear message. You will learn how to adjust your communication effectively depending on who you are talking to, and how to communicate personally and persuasively, so that you present yourself clearly. Similarly, you will learn to create motivation and positive collaborative relationships through your communication with others.


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