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The Manager’s Conflict Management and Conversation

Learn to prevent and manage conflicts, as well as how to conduct challenging and difficult conversations that have conflict potential.
Startdato - Klasseundervisning
23. okt. 2025
Rugårdsvej 286 5210 Odense NV
AMU-pris: 428 kr. Pris: 1.370,30 kr.

For you who

  • work with or would like to work with conflict management and leadership.

You will become better at

  • identifying conflicts and potential conflicts.
  • preventing and resolving conflicts before they create dissatisfaction and unrest among your employees.
  • conducting challenging conversations that can address conflict potential and address issues at an early stage.


What is a conflict? And how is it best resolved?

As a manager, you need to be familiar with conflicts and know how to de-escalate and resolve them effectively. You should be familiar with the reactions so that you can prevent and resolve conflicts when and if they arise in the workplace. In the course ‘The Manager’s Conflict Management and Conversation’, you will learn to identify conflicts, de-escalate them, and resolve them. You will also learn how to conduct difficult conversations with employees who have been involved in conflicts.


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