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Management of Green Transition and Sustainability

The course 'Management of Green Transition and Sustainability' is for those who want to prepare themselves to lead green transition processes and have an interest in learning more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Startdato - Klasseundervisning
26. nov. 2025
Rugårdsvej 286 5210 Odense NV
AMU-pris: 416 kr. Pris: 1.329,90 kr.

For you who

  • are managers.
  • want to learn more about working with green transition and sustainability in the company in order to foster corporate culture and promote business development.

You will become better at

  • leading the green transition in the company.
  • finding sustainable solutions that promote both the company culture and growth.


In the course ‘Management of Green Transition and Sustainability,’ you delve into the concepts of green transition, sustainability, and the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. You will gain an understanding of what they mean for a company and get to work with all three concepts from a manager’s perspective.

The course also provides insights on how you, as a manager, can motivate and engage your employees in the implementation of green transition and sustainable solutions.

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